DETOXIFICATION OR (DETOX):is the physiological or medicinal removal of toxic substances from a living organism including the human body which is mainly carried out. by the liver,there are various types of detoxification such as detoxification diets,
gives you more energy, help you lose weight, and clear up your skin, among other things. The trouble is that many common detoxes don’t work Juice and water cleanses, for example, are often counterproductive because they deprive your body of essential nutrients it needs to function.
A good detox protocol can help you eliminate more stubborn toxins by supporting your natural detoxification pathways.
is a poisonous substance produced within living cells or organisms, harmful chemicals are everywhere. Car exhaust, secondhand smoke, flame retardants, plastic packaging, heavy metals, pesticides, exogenous hormones in conventional meat and dairy, BPA-coated receipts… Unless you’re living in a virgin forest.
toxins can be small molecules, peptides, or proteins that are capable of causing disease on contact with or absorption by body tissues interacting with biological macro molecules such as enzymes or cellular receptors.
all this image as example for toxins in our environment.
Benefits of detox:- supporting your natural detox pathways can lead to some major benefit;
More energy.
Better sleep.
Clear skin.
Fewer cravings.
Lower inflammation.
Better digestion.
Weight loss.
detox, such as weddings, birthdays or special occasion meals. Some people may experience a ‘cleansing’ reaction in the first few days of detox, including headaches or loose bowel movements. This is due to the sudden withdrawal of certain foods, in addition to stimulation of detoxifying organs. These symptoms should subside in 24 to 48 hours.
Foods to avoid
Sugar, honey, maple syrup, artificial sweeteners
Foods to enjoy
Fruit: any and all fresh fruit
Vegetables: any and all fresh vegetables
Fish: fresh, canned in water or olive oil
Lean red meat, chicken without the skin (limit to two serves per week)
Legumes: dried or canned, such as kidney beans, chickpeas, lentils
Eggs: preferably organic
Olive oil (preferably extra virgin), coconut oil (unprocessed)
Nuts: raw unsalted almonds, walnuts, macadamias and cashews
Seeds: raw unsalted sesame, pumpkin and sunflower seeds
Green tea, white tea, weak black tea (decaffeinated)
Water: from one to three litres of water per day.
YOUR DETOX THROUGH 7 DAYS; 1. Morning lemon juice,Drink first thing in the morning before breakfast.
2. Exercise: During detox aim to exercise for one hour daily.
3. Raw foods: Aim to cut out the cooking process and eat mainly raw foods. Raw foods contain more nutrients and enzymes.
4. Detox the mind: its good to clear the clutter from the mind too. Aim for 15 minutes of meditation per day. If you don’t know how to meditate, try belly breathing. Start by placing hands palm down on your lower belly. Breathe in through your nose, counting slowly to 3 or 4 counts.
5. Drink water: Aim to drink three litres of fluid daily.
6. Body brushing: Doing this daily will support circulation and increase skin detoxification.
7. Chew: Aim to chew each mouthful of food 10 to 12 times before swallowing.