nail art. Combine glitter nail art with carnation spots and beads on your nails

This season is starting to peak and this is one of the most. exciting seasons of the year for fashion. You can mix and match your wardrobe and provide a statement.
You would want to stand out from the crowd by looking extra. special for the winter days ahead. When you have your hair and outfit down, make sure you also have a good manicure. Even though most of your body will be covered in layers of clothes your hands will be visible from time to time and you would want to make sure that your nails are on point.
Nail art gives color and accent to your everyday look and that is something that clothes can’t give you,
One of the most prominent designs in winter nail art is snowflakes. Of course, snow is unquestionably the most popular icon any winter nail art . should have but it doesn’t mean that you need to stick to this design. You can be creative and bend it a little by using other styles like color combinations, frost nail art techniques, and even patterns. The possibilities are endless.
Below are some winter nail art ideas that you can apply to your own nails and the bonus is, that you can even have fun when painting them on!
The gold and beads winter nail art:
If you’re into classic and baroque style, this edgy golden nail art is perfect for the winter season. Not only does it give warmth to your fingers, but it can also jive well with the Christmas season coming up. The great thing about gold is that you can pair them up with just absolutely everything, beads, embellishments, and so on. They are also perfect on their own, so can just paint them on and add a minimum amount of embellishments and it will still be bold and a standout. If you’re not too sure that the gold hue can work for you, you can always get a set of press-on nails that you can remove whenever you like.