Home decor trends for A More Vibrant Home
Home decor trends for A More Vibrant Home
When it comes to Home decor trends, we all want something charming and charismatic.
But, have you considered vibrant colors and African themes to enhance that chic ambiance?
Well, we admire the beauty of an eye-catching home with an African theme in its entirety, from the elegant layout and color scheme of the living room to the sleek and stylish hues of the bathroom.
There’s so much to adore from this type of cosy home and we’re giving you some inspiration!
Make your house a home – By Akua – PE OLINE EDITOR
Beauty some say is what is inside a person.
Appearance some have argued is very deceptive, therefore they would like to judge a person from what is inside of them.
If we are to relate this to our homes, it can only mean people will judge a beautiful home by what’s inside of it.
The interior décor! And I know this is the woman’s department in the house.
Decorating the home. Sorry guys, I know after building your dream house, you almost have no interest in the stressful journey of decorating.
Sometime ago I was looking through a magazine that had interviewed a celebrity.
Since she is very popular, influential and wealthy they had pictures of her house and what is inside of it.
After painfully looking at all the pictures I said to myself, “ This lady is a very confused person.”
No this is not me being rude. Your home should speak to people about you right, that is what hers said to me! Every room looked cluttered.
No space to feed your eye. A lot of different colours in one room, which did not work together.
No theme at all! In short, I kept looking for the number to the interior décor police.
Turn your living room into a mini gallery
Play with spaces
Mixing textures
It’s a tried-and-tested tip that mixing and matching textures ensures much more character in a room, and in 2018 this trend pretty much exploded.
The most popular materials to combine in your home? Wool, followed by leather and fringe furniture.
Try putting these beauties together in your home and see what visual appealing style can happen.